Worth a Look: Digital Democracy–Possibilities

Wiki Government: How Technology Can Make Government Better, Democracy Stronger, and Citizens More Powerful “A sweeping visionary yet highly pragmatic book! Beth Noveck concretely shows how to leverage the participatory nature of web 2.0 technologies to build a new kind of participatory democracy and a smart, lean government. She speaks from experience. A must read …

Journal: Ivory Tower Musings on Intelligence-Sharing

Why intelligence-sharing can’t always make us safer By Jennifer Sims and Bob Gallucci Friday, January 8, 2010; A19 Phi Beta Iota: This Op-Ed is stunningly irrelevant to the problem at hand: a secret intelligence community that over-emphasizes cash inputs and secret remote collection, and simultaneously fails to exploit machine-speed all-source geospatially and time tagged processing, …

Journal: Underpants Bomber Shines Light on Naked USG–Without Four Reforms, USA Locked in Place

UPDATE 3:  Obama summons intelligence chiefs to White House meeting Comment: This is pathetic. No one now serving in the White House is capable of telling the President the truth–that our $75 billion a year is wasted, that the agencies are suffering from 1950’s mindsets with 1970’s technology and security and legal blinders that are …