2016 Robert Steele: Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) – Creating the Academy, Economy, Government, and Society of the Future

Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE): Creating the Academy, Economy, Government, and Society of the Future Robert Steele ABSTRACT I have decided to focus on the possibilities of integrating True Cost Economics, Holistic Analytics, and Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE). This concept is human-centric, rooted in advanced digital information management including new concepts for embedded intelligence …

Yoda: Alternative Alternative Energy — Lasers Cool Water

UW Scientists Invent Laser That Can Refrigerate Liquid Water A new UW study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences last week revealed that a team of UW researchers has used an infrared laser to cool liquid water by about 36 degrees Fahrenheit (or about 20 degrees Celsius) — and they say it’s …

Mongoose: Exxon – 40 Years of Lies on Climate Change

Exxon Knew about Climate Change Almost 40 Years Ago A new investigation shows the oil company understood the science before it became a public issue and spent millions to promote misinformation EXTRACT By 1989 the company had helped create the Global Climate Coalition (disbanded in 2002) to question the scientific basis for concern about climate …

Steve Aftergood: CIA Cover-Up on Torture + CIA Torture RECAP

CIA Classification Practices Challenged The Central Intelligence Agency has improperly classified and withheld from release at least five categories of information related to its post-9/11 rendition, detention and interrogation program, according to a detailed complaint filed by Openthegovernment.org with the Information Security Oversight Office.

Robert Parry: US Intel Vets Slam CIA Use of Torture and New Book “Rebuttal” That Repeats Prior Lies by CIA “Leaders” — Robert Steele Comments

US Intel Vets Decry CIA’s Use of Torture Torture defenders are back on the offensive publishing a book by ex-CIA leaders rebutting a Senate report that denounced the brutal tactics as illegal, inhumane and ineffective. Now, in a memo to President Obama, other U.S. intelligence veterans are siding with the Senate findings and repudiating the torture apologists. Comment by …

Patrick L. Smith: US & NATO Restart Cold War + NATO RECAP

We restarted the Cold War: The real story about the NATO buildup that the New York Times won’t tell you Our leaders and media push time-worn nonsense about American innocence, while taking aggressive moves. Look out EXTRACT As of this week, leaders who know nothing about leading, thinkers who do not think and opinion-shaping poseurs …