Stephen E. Arnold: Iphone SayHi App Over Google Translate?

Iphone SayHi App Preferred to Google Translate App The article on MakeUseOf titled SayHi Translate Is Quite Possibly The Closest Thing To Star Trek’s Universal Translator promotes the Iphone app SayHi as the best translation app available. At one $1.99, the app provides translations between some 40 languages (more are available with the premium version). …

Stephen E. Arnold: $450M Cloud Contract Stalled Due to DOD Concerns Over Demand

$450M Cloud Contract Stalled Due to DOD Concerns Over Demand The article titled DOD Says “No Mas” On Commercial Cloud, Puts Brakes on $450M Contract on Ars Technica has some concerned that the government is rethinking its commitment to the cloud. Scott Stewart, contracting officer for the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) explained the decision …

Stephen E. Arnold: NSA and Google Compete for Internet – We All Lose

The NSA and Google Compete for the Internet, and We All Lose An article posted on Tech Eye titled US Spying is Killing the Internet Claims Google explains the outrage expressed by Google when it was released that the NSA had tapped into their system in order to obtain user information. Google’s security director Richard …

Stephen E. Arnold: Mats Bjore and SILOBREAKER

Exclusive Silobreaker Interview: Mats Bjore, Silobreaker With Google becoming more difficult to use, many professionals need a way to locate, filter, and obtain high value information that works. Silobreaker is an online service and system that delivers actionable information. The co-founder of Silobreaker said in an exclusive interview for Search Wizards Speaks says: I learned …

Stephen E. Arnold: Social Media and News – Amazing Graphic + Comment on Amazon & Wikipedia

Social Media and News: Amazing Graphic “News Use across Social Media Platforms” confirms what I have suspected for a while. The mobile generation has some interesting behavior patterns with regard to news. Among the factoids that the Pew outfit has boiled down to numbers are: ITEM: YouTube viewers are not using the service to get …