Stephen E. Arnold: Is Palantir In The Business of Raising Money?

Palantir: What Is the Main Business of the Company? I read about Palantir and its successful funding campaign in “Palantir’s Latest Round Valuing It at $9B Swells to $107.8M in New Funding.” If you run a query for “Palantir” on Beyond Search, you will get links to articles about the company’s previous funding and to …

Stephen E. Arnold: Exploratory Search Trends Debated

Exploratory Search Trends Debated An article titled The Changing Face of Exploratory Search on Linkedin presents the current trends in search. Exploratory search is distinct from navigational search, the latter searcher-type knows what she is expecting to get in terms of results. An exploratory searcher might know the search criteria but not how many results …

Stephen E. Arnold: News TidBits from Circa — Can You Spelled Dumbed Down?

Turn to Circa for News Tidbits Is the effort to know and understand what is happening in this huge, complex world just too much to squeeze into the day? Lifehacker points us to another concession to the modern reader in, “Circa News Dishes Out Bite-Sized News Bits to Keep You up to Date.” The app, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Global Computing – Cheaper

Amazon Aims to Make Computing Cheaper Amazon has aspirations beyond being the world’s largest retailer. The online retail giant also aspires to be a mega force in computing, says The New York Times Bits Blog in: “Amazon Bares Its Computers.” Amazon has announced that it is taking its Amazon Web Services beyond simple cloud-computing to …

Stephen E. Arnold: LinkedIn Pulse Takes Professional News Aggregation & Precision Showcasing to Next Level

LinkedIn Catches the News Bug Ever since Google left a void by discontinuing Google Reader, other RSS feeds programs have attempted to fill it. Pulse is one of the top replacements and now “LinkedIn Integrates With Pulse For Professional News Aggregation. Social Sharing.” LinkedIn purchased Pulse earlier this year and now they are offering their …