Stephen E. Arnold: SAIL LABS Media Mining Indexer Updated

New Version of Media Mining Indexer (6.2) from SAIL LABS Technology The release titled SAIL LABS Announces New Release Of Media Mining Indexer 6.2 from SAIL LABS Technology on August 5, 2013 provides some insight into the latest version of the Media Mining Indexer. SAIL LABS Technology considers itself as an innovator in creating solutions …

Stephen E. Arnold: Data Science Explained With an Infograpic [Science without Art Tends to be Stupid]

Data Science Explained With an Infographic Data Science is a hot career. Even though data scientists have been around for decades, but it is only the proliferation of new devices and data streams that have brought the career to the Internet spotlight. Data Science is more than monitoring reports about data or even the big …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Banner Ads Displace Search Results

Google Banner Ads Take Over Results Pages Google is always striving to improve their flagship search engine. Well, improve its profitability, anyway. Ars Technica reports that “New Banner Ads Push Actual Google Results to Bottom 12% of the Screen.” These new adds do not unobtrusively hug the top of the page; for thirty companies lucky …

Stephen E. Arnold: What Keeps Google Awake? Try the Near Death of Its Two Co-Founders

What Keeps Google Awake? One Big Thing Overlooked I read “What Keeps Google Awake at Night.” Five good points to be sure. My view is that one big sleep disturber was either overlooked or intentionally skipped. The Information Week article identifies Google’s revenue dependence, the revenue shift riding the mobile revolution, and several other obvious …

Stephen E. Arnold: Better Data Is Out There [Just Not From the US Government, or the Banks, or the Corporations, or Most Universities and Media….]]

Better Data Is Out There Many have been operating under the assumption that the digital age has been providing us with reliable and accurate information. David Soloff noticed that this was incorrect when he was comparing grocery store prices against a government claim that they had dropped for the first time in more than half …