Journal: Drones versus Pioneers–Defining the Finish Line

A foolish article about a foolish survey about a foolish educational system captures all that is wrong with America today.  The best and the brightest become hackers and self-directed pioneers (Richard Stahlman is the most righteous, Bill Gates the most obvious).  The “well-behaved” are the ones that cross “the finish line” because they do not …

Journal: Tyranny Looms Large–First the Internet, then the Guns, then Liberty Lost

Tyranny looms large in America, because We the People have become ignorant, inert, and too subject to mass deception.   Read the headline and first pargragraph, then (below the fold) the Phi Beta Iota comment, and then the full story online.  One bird, two wings.  Time to retire this turkey, starting with Rockefeller, Webb, and Warner.  …

Journal: Real-Time Everything–the Government is 20 Years Out of Date and May be Sinking Fast. Action is Needed NOW.

Changes to the Earth that used to take 10,000 years now take three years.  This has led to a very strong interest in “real-time science.”  At the same time, as the information society matures, we are seeing demands for government information (paid for by the taxpayer) to be made available in real-time.  Census results that …