Yoda: Mobile Learning (M-Learning) the Future + InfoGraphic

Why Care About M-Learning? Justic Ferriman+ LearnDash, 27 March 2014 Mobile learning is becoming increasingly popular in the workplace. There are a variety of reasons for this, but many have to do with the accessibility of mobile devices, the savings associated with a mobile enabled learning program, and the convenience mobile learning affords the learner. …

Yoda: Design Thinking Meets True Cost Economics — Change Type Font, Save $370 Million

Font of Knowledge: Teenager Finds Typeface Switch Could Save US Government $370m A high school student from Pittsburgh has discovered a simple but innovative method that could save the US government approximately $370 million (£222m) a year in printing ink costs: Change the typeface it uses. Fourteen-year-old Suvir Mirchandani began his investigation into which typefaces …

Yoda: Goats Smarter, Also Crows, Pigs, and Dogs….

Human tests do not test goat intelligence, they test goat abilities to dumb down to human levels. Goats are apparently smarter than anyone thought Researchers found that goats can learn to solve complicated tasks quickly and can remember the solutions they’ve learned for 10 months or more. Science is having to constantly reevaluate how we …

Yoda: CISCO $1B for Cloud — How Open? Safe?

Cisco Unveils $1B Cloud Plan EXTRACTS On Monday, Cisco unveiled an investment worth more than $1 billion to launch the world’s largest global Intercloud over the next two years. This open network of clouds will be hosted across a global network of Cisco and partner data centers featuring application process interfaces (APIs) for rapid application …

Yoda: Empowering Bacteria — Carefully?

Scientists Tweak Genes to Give Bacteria Electrical Superpowers By tricking E.coli into incorporating gold nanoparticles or quantum dots into their proteins, the team has crafted biofilms with a range of crazy capabilities. Some conduct electricity. Others build gold nanowires and nanorods. Others still can modify the ways in which quantum dots fluoresce. In other words, …

Yoda: Master of Tri-Sector Collaboration (Singapore Management University)

Good step, this is. Master of Tri-Sector Collaboration (MTSC) The innovative Master of Tri-Sector Collaboration provides rigorous interdisciplinary training in effective problem solving for the 21st century’s complex environment. It is applicable to business, government, and civil society organisations, and to the interactions among them. It will: Develop leaders able to flourish in a complex, …