Robert Steele with Philip J. Watt: Real Deal or Controlled Opposition – Ex CIA Calls Out Trump

Steele, Robert, with Philip J. Watt, “Real Deal or Controlled Opposition: Ex CIA Calls Out Trump: End Income Tax and Remove Big Money from Politics,”, June 15, 2016. The left/right paradigm is an illusion of choice because both parties work for the same employers. No, it’s not the people either, like it should be. …

Eagle: Federal Reserve on the Record – 76 Million Americans Struggling Financially

The United States population on July 4, 2015 was: 321,442,019. Of these, an average of about 95% are US citizens, for a total US citizen population of roughly 305,369,918. The below report from the Federal Reserve says that 76 million Americans are struggling financially and half of all Americans don’t have the savings to pay …

Mongoose: American Psychiatric Association Edges Toward Declaring Pedophelia to Be Acceptable

American Psychiatric Association Officially Condones Pedophilia: “It’s Normal to be Aroused by Children” The “Classifying Sex: Debating DSM-5” conference featured speakers who condoned pedophilia as “natural and normal for males.” Ultimately, the proposal to include hebephilia [sex with minors] as a legitimate disorder in the new edition of the American Psychiatric Association manual was defeated, and …