Jean Lievens: Economic Democracy Superior to Capitalism or Socialism

Capitalism or Socialism? There’s an Even Better Option Bernie Sanders’ popular campaign suggests that many Americans aren’t afraid of socialism anymore. But real democracy is an even better alternative to capitalism. David Korten Democracy is the life-serving alternative we seek to the life-destroying capitalist tyranny under which we now live. Democracy, not the false dichotomy …

Royal Danish Defence College: Official Minutes from Seminar on Open Source Intelligence, 19 April 2016

Minutes from Royal Danish Defence College Seminar on Open Source Intelligence, 19. April 2016. The Seminar on Open Source Intelligence at the Royal Danish Defence College, Tuesday 19th April 2016 has now come to an end. From a hosting perspective, we consider the event as being very successful. We had more than 140 participants with …

Eagle: Charles Hugh Smith on Minimum Investment to Achieve Social Mobility?

What Is the Minimum Investment Needed to Achieve Social Mobility? For those without an inside track, high social/cultural skills are an essential foundation. Long-time correspondent Bart D. (Australia) posed a profound question: what is the minimum investment (in time, money and effort) needed to ensure one’s children have social mobility, i.e. a cultural/social passport to …

Mongoose: Did CIA Steal the Panama Papers from the German BND? Is Germany Breaking Away from Vassal State Status?

PANAMA PAPERS HEIST BY CIA-NSA AIMED AT BERLIN, BRICS, ALBA, … In Summary: The CIA routinely betrays and abuses German interests. The last straw is the Snowden revelation of NSA intercepts of every email out of the Chancellor’s office and eavesdropping on their phone conversations by bugging optical fiber. Germany retaliates by shutting down the …

Berto Jongman: Are Panama Papers a Joint CIA-NSA Operation Targeting Vladimir Putin?

Pepe Escobar, a top investigative journalist, comments….Chinese seem to agree. Hybrid War, From Palmyra to Panama The Panama Papers, stripped to the bone, may reveal themselves, as I have argued, essentially as an infowar operation initiated by the NSA – which would conveniently target mostly Global South “enemies” (as in the BRICS nations) and selected, …

Michael Kearns: Leadership & Social Change

Leadership. The “School” of American Leadership Studies & Development (ALS&D) has been the largest mythological tyrant ever to spew propagandistic mythology (1); therein, inflating the lust for money, power, and control as measures of “success” in America (2). Much like Trump’s Great Man ascertations, about how “great” America can be, much like him-self – with …