Owl: ChemTrails, Martial Law, Oil Derivatives…

Chemtrails Against US General Public? This article explains how to distinguish ordinary contrails from what is a by-definition hazardous chemtrail in the sky. The reason it is hazardous is the two chemicals researchers were able to identify from chemtrails residues: “Several sky watchers throughout the world have had residue samples analyzed after collecting them in …

Chuck Spinney: Is Israel on Cusp of Grand Strategic Set-Back as Universities Mobilize (Precedent South Africa)?

Grand strategy (described here) can be generalized as a game of interaction and isolation. Viewed from this perspective, Israel’s grand strategy has been to maintain or increase its freedom of action in implementing the expansive Zionist apartheid/colonialist agenda, to include gaining control of the region’s scarce water resources (see here), by — (a) preying on the collective …

IVN Steele on Electoral Reform Part 2: Ballot Access

Steele on Electoral Reform – Part 2: Ballot Access Independent Voter News, 9 March 2012 Ballot access requirements shall be the same for every candidate, irrespective of party affiliation. Equal access includes access to debates. This shall also apply to initiatives and referenda, and to primary elections. No state shall be eligible to receive federal …

Sepp Hasslberger: Nanotrees Harvest Sun Energy to Convert Water into Hydrogen Fuel

Nanotrees harvest the sun’s energy to turn water into hydrogen fuel (PhysOrg.com) — University of California, San Diego electrical engineers are building a forest of tiny nanowire trees in order to cleanly capture solar energy without using fossil fuels and harvest it for hydrogen fuel generation. Reporting in the journal Nanoscale, the team said nanowires, …