Robert Steele: Khashoggi False Flag CIA Princes Bandar Turki Coup Against Trump & MbS UPDATE 20: Saudi Lead on Alledged Murder a Zionist Asset?

SHORT URL: UPDATE 20: Saudi Lead on Alledged Murder a Zionist Asset? UPDATE 19: Sybel Edmunds in Turkey Confirms CIA-Mossad False Flag Fake Girlfriend, No Body UPDATE 18: The CIA lied about the Russians hacking the election, could they be lying (or deceived by the Zionists) on MBS’s role? President is CORRECT to say …

Robert Steele: Washington Examiner on Trump’s Successes (Vastly Superior to What the White House Communications Team Can Produce)

ROBERT STEELE: My focus is on election reform so as to terminate the Deep State. To that end I believe that President Donald Trump is my best shot at getting this idea considered. Sadly the White House Communications Team sucks.  They are simply incapable of presenting the President and his accomplishments to the public in …

Mike Adams: Unhinged Left Planning “Kill Team” Home Invasions?

Mike Adams WARNS conservative Senators, Supreme Court justices: The unhinged left is planning “kill team” home invasions to execute you and your families We are now learning that left-wing domestic terrorism groups are openly discussing “kill team” tactics on Twitter and Facebook, discussing methods of carrying SBRs (short-barreled rifles) under their clothing, blending in with …

ZeroHedge: Robert Higgs of Mises on USA Military-Economic Facism

The Living Reality Of Military-Economic Fascism Exposed In countries such as the United States, whose economies are commonly, though inaccurately, described as “capitalist” or “free-market,” war and preparation for war systematically corrupt both parties to the state-private transactions by which the government obtains the bulk of its military goods and services. To apply here what …