Jean Lievens: How the 99% Are Using Lateral Power to Create a Global Revolution

How the 99% Are Using Lateral Power to Create a Global Revolution It’s happened before, in 1848 and in 1968. The youth of the world took to the streets to protest the injustices of autocratic political regimes and rapacious business interests and to demand the most basic human right to participate as equal citizens in …

David Swanson: ENDING ALL WAR: An Idea Whose Time Has Come — For Our Children and All Future Generations

ENDING ALL WAR: An Idea Whose Time Has Come — For Our Children and All Future Generations By David Swanson and David Hartsough with input from George Lakey, Jan Passion, Mike Ferner, Colleen Kelly, Ruth Benn, Leah Bolger, Nathan Schneider, Hakim, Paul Chappell, Colin Archer, Kathy Kelly, et alia. (none of whom are to blame …

SmartPlanet: Global wind power expected to skyrocket

Global wind power expected to skyrocket You might have seen more wind farms popping up over the last few years, but wind energy still only accounts for a small percentage of global electricity production. According to a new report from the International Energy Agency, wind power generates only 2.6 percent of the world’s electricity, but …

Neal Rauhauser: TRAC – Taking Out Illegal Website Operations

TRAC: Taking Out Illegal Website Operations Yesterday the Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium published Taking Out Illegal Website Operations (subscription required). This is a fairly short article describing law enforcement’s efforts to remove child pornography purveyor Freedom Hosting, money laundering operation Liberty Reserve, and black market Amazon clone Silk Road. This is my third article for …