NIGHTWATCH Revolution 2.0 Round-Up

Middle East 11 March general warning; Bahrain, Gulf Cooperation Council, Saudi Arabia, US-Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt (multiple), Libya, Libya-Netherlands, Benghazi Council-France; Warning doctrine and lessons. Phi Beta Iota: The US Government appears to be lacking across the spectrum–no deep current knowledge and no contextual understanding of the difference between young digital natives and older dignity …

Review: The Clash of Ideas in World Politics–Transnational Networks, States, and Regime Change, 1510-2010

John M. Owen Academic, Historical Focus on States March 4, 2011 In comparison to Grand Strategies: Literature, Statecraft, and World Order, which is receiving a 6+ from my (my top 10%), this is at best a 4 for the general public of which I am a part. It has its academic testimonials, in that world …

Participatory Budgeting Practices, Games, Resources

Dear friends, Recently I’ve seen a swirl of information (mostly on the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation listserv) about participatory budgeting.  Below, you’ll find a sampling of this info, in relatively raw form.  I do not know enough to sort it all out, but it looks really fascinating. Most of this material is about …

Americans Admire Military Personnel While Being Unaware & Uninterested in What They Do “In Our Name”

Troops Die Because of Their Country, Not For It US admiration for its soldiers may be deep and widespread, but interest in what they are doing is shallow and fleeting by Gary Younge Published on Monday, January 31, 2011 by The Guardian Most of the stories told about Benjamin Moore, 23, at his funeral started …