BREAKING: Amazon Kindle Hijacked — Now a Spam Factory Based in Pakistan and India

For the past several months I have been spammed by a variety of authors who have been at best indiscriminate and at worst offensive spam. Most of them are using lists of top Amazon reviewers that are being indiscriminately and probably illegally circulated by book clubs as well as spammer networks. On further investigation I …

Mini-Me: Nevada Stand-Off YouTubes from 773,010 Views On Down

Huh? .Ranch Riot!! Bundy Ranch Protesters Tasered by Federal Agents and Attacked by K9’s. 773,010 Views Uniforms with dogs without a clue. Protesters without a clue as well. Revolution in Nevada to Save Cliven Bundy 34,286 Views Militant call to arms including plans to use force. URGENT! Nevada militia is mobilizing! Cliven Bundy ranch 22,267 …

Owl: Nevada Set to Explode — Every Cop a Target – Feds Tazer Son – Nevada State Officials Blast Federal Idiocy – Country Commissioner Corruption In Question

Note this comment after a recent article on this in Alex Jones: “When the pigs start killin…..the state of Nevada will ignite… cop anywhere will be safe, black, white, whatever….we all know who the MAN is, and we will unite and we will strike back, everywhere……” What is most striking to me in the videos …

Worth a Look: Books on War and Torture Victims, Asylum and Refugee Trauma

2014 Refuge and Resilience: Promoting Resilience and Mental Health among Resettled Refugees and Forced Migrants Taking an interdisciplinary approach and focusing on the social and psychological resources that promote resilience among forced migrants, this book presents theory and evidence about what keeps refugees healthy during resettlement. The book draws on contributions from cultural psychiatry, anthropology, …

Berto Jongman: Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 reality check – A Boeing 777 doesn’t disappear unless governments want it to disappear

Flight 370 reality check: A Boeing 777 doesn’t disappear unless governments want it to disappear Sunday, March 30, 2014 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Editor of (NaturalNews) As the conventional news coverage of Flight 370 becomes increasingly delusional and detached from reality, for the sake of all those families and loved ones still …