Berto Jongman: Twitter and the Transformation of Democracy

Twitter and the transformation of democracy The social networking service has the power to control the expression of public opinion in political debate John Naughton The Observer, Saturday 14 September 2013  The news that Twitter has taken the first steps towards a stock marketflotation has triggered a predictable storm of speculation about the valuation of the company. How much is a …

Review: The Media Ecosystem — What Ecology Can Teach Us About Responsible Media Practice

Antonio Lopez 5.0 out of 5 stars A unique and timely integrative overview with many original insights, August 22, 2013 I received this book as a gift, and am glad that I did as I normally would not have noticed it, bought it, or reviewed it. I hope my review will inspire others to buy …

Marcus Aurelius: Democratic Defense Play-Book — Truman Security Briefing Book Edition 5 — Idiocy Lite

From Politico Morning Defense: FIRST LOOK – THE STRONG-ON-DEFENSE PLAYBOOK: A leading national-security think tank is releasing the latest edition of its annual briefing book, which has become a kind of playbook for strong-on-defense Democrats. The Truman National Security Project, which spent more than $90,000 during the 2012 presidential campaign to help defeat Republican Mitt …

Stephen E. Arnold: Automated Analytics Ramps Up — Robert Steele Comments

Big Names Ramping up the Analytics Field Posted: 22 Jul 2013 11:41 AM PDT The world of analytics is getting much more competitive. We’ve been seeing some impressive names belly up to the bar or revamp their already available platforms. One such case we discovered in a recent Daily Finance article, “Actuate’s Newest Release of …