David Swanson: Bradley Manning Wins Sean MacBride Peace Award — Manning Also Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Manning Wins Peace Prize U.S. whistleblower and international hero Bradley Manning has just been awarded the 2013 Sean MacBride Peace Award by the International Peace Bureau, itself a former recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, for which Manning is a nominee this year. A petition supporting Manning for the Nobel Peace Prize has gathered 88,000 …

Richard Wright: Reflections on NATO Commentary — US Needs to Drop Down to Observer Status with Russia — Steele Comments

I think your thought piece on NATO is excellent, but somewhat incomplete.  NATO is the diplomatic and administrative headquarters, but the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) is the actual C2 for NATO military operations In my opinion, the U.S. needs to back out of NATO and its operational counter part SHAPE and leave both …

Eagle: Toward the Internet of Pro-Active Hand-Held Sensors

This new app turns iPhones into a handheld biosensor equivalent to $50,000 lab unit This portable biosensor is capable of detecting viruses, bacteria, proteins, toxins, and other specific modules, and takes just a few minutes to process, which could greatly speed up in-the-field assessments of issues as diverse as groundwater contamination, medical diagnostics, mapping the …

Michelle Monk: Geke.US Lays Out Government-Corporate Circles of Corruption

Here is what they have as of today.  An extraordinary effort that should soon become automated.   You won’t find these on LinkedIn!  Click for individual Venn diagram similar to the Keystone Pipeline shown below., Nominally Good: AFL-CIO The Rest: Comcast   .   Defense Contractors   .   Disney   .   Enron   .   Fannie Mae   .   General Electric   .   Goldman …