Latin America to be Innovative in Rio+20
Prensa Latina, 2 April 2012
Quito, Apr 2 (Prensa Latina) Latin America is the only region with capacity to propose innovative initiatives at the World Conference on Sustainable Development Río+20 in the context of today's global crisis, said Mario Ruales, advisor for Environmental Affairs.
Ruales told Prensa Latina they are taking to the event the agreements of the Ministerial Meeting in Quito.
He added there has been consensus on basic environmental issues at the heart of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas (ALBA) and from the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Community (CELAC).
Among them he mentioned regional support to Ecuador's initiative to promote a Universal Declaration on the Rights of Nature, matching human rights'.
“The foundations needs to be removed, noted the expert, since Ecuador and the subcontinent agree that the economy is part of a bigger natural system.Exceeding its limits may bring irreversible damage on the planet”, he added.
“We need to warn on this situation and achieve a global pact to revert the process,” notes Ruales, but that demands renewed efforts to further build common platforms to hold successful global negotiations, “but individual initiatives will hardly be enforced.”
Negotiations are complicated, he adds, but they have proven it is possible to advance towards what should become the future of humanity relaying on savvy proposals.
Phi Beta Iota: A great deal appears to be happening south of the US border, the most obvious attribute of which is the absence of the US — and one supposes — the obliviousness of the US. Hybrid governance is emergent, and it is routing around the US Government. Others doing the same thing include the African Union (behind the scenes, while they play Africa Command as a “useful idiot”), the Paris-Berlin-Moscow axis, the rapidly evolving Iran-Turkey-Pakistan axis, and of course the continuing global — and highly nuanced as well as xtremely well-informed — Chinese advances across all domains. For the many who are unaware of CELAC, it is OAS without the US and Canada.