Matthew Ehret: Russia Wants to be Relevant, Feels Squeezed by China and Other Popular Delusions of a Dying Technocracy
06 Russia, Cultural IntelligenceRussia Wants to be Relevant, Feels Squeezed by China and Other Popular Delusions of a Dying Technocracy
Are geopolitical analysts in the west seriously delusional enough to believe that Russia and China can be undermined?
It was only one month ago that the world found itself trapped on a fast track to nuclear war between NATO powers and Russia over tensions that had been brought to a boil in Ukraine. Of course, it wasn’t only a Nazi-ridden Ukraine that was being used as a trigger for a major showdown, as evidence of Belarus regime change and even assassination attempts became publicized and MI6-Bellingcat antics were justifying new waves of anti-Russian sanctions across the trans Atlantic community. These antics even led to the expulsion of Russian diplomats from the Czech Republic, media psyops attempting to lay blame on the Kremlin for cyber attacks on American pipelines. Additionally, a zero-tolerance policy towards the completion of the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline appeared to be a non-negotiable red line for Washington up until recently. No matter where you looked, the spectre of nuclear war abounded for all to see and only companies specializing in the sale of bomb shelters were content with the direction of world events.
David Lifschultz: German Reinsurance Treaty with Russia Coming
06 Russia, Corruption, GovernmentGerman Reinsurance Treaty with Russia Coming
Compliments of the Lifschultz Organization founded in 1899
The Reinsurance Treaty was a diplomatic agreement between the German Empire and the Russian Empire that was in effect from 1887 to 1890. Only a handful of top officials in Berlin and St. Petersburg knew of its existence since it was top secret. The treaty played a critical role in German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck‘s extremely complex and ingenious network of alliances and agreements, which aimed to keep the peace in Europe and to maintain Germany’s economic, diplomatic and political dominance.
Matthew Ehret: The Dynamics of Nuclear Power Diplomacy: Russia and China vs the Neo-Malthusians
02 China, 06 Russia, Cultural IntelligenceThe Dynamics of Nuclear Power Diplomacy: Russia and China vs the Neo-Malthusians
In 1975, an influential Stanford biologist named Paul Ehrlich (author of the misanthropic 1968 Population Bomb) stated that in his view, humanity’s acquisition of fusion energy was “like giving an idiot child a machine gun”. Ehrlich’s views were shared widely among the peculiar sect of scientists that have come to be known as neo-Malthusians. Ehrlich’s colleague John Holdren ruminated that developing fusion energy was undesirable because it would only enflame mankind’s “pave the planet and paint it green’ mentality.”
Continue reading “Matthew Ehret: The Dynamics of Nuclear Power Diplomacy: Russia and China vs the Neo-Malthusians”
DefDog: “Signature Reduction”: Inside the Military’s Secret Undercover Army
02 China, 06 Russia, Government“Signature Reduction”: Inside the Military’s Secret Undercover Army
The largest undercover force the world has ever known is the one created by the Pentagon over the past decade. Some 60,000 people now belong to this secret army, many working under masked identities and in low profile, all part of a broad program called “signature reduction.” The force, more than ten times the size of the clandestine elements of the CIA, carries out domestic and foreign assignments, both in military uniforms and under civilian cover, in real life and online, sometimes hiding in private businesses and consultancies, some of them household name companies. Continue reading “DefDog: “Signature Reduction”: Inside the Military’s Secret Undercover Army”
Matthew Ehret: Biden’s Anti-Eurasian Green Delusion and America’s Race to Irrelevance
02 China, 06 Russia, Corruption, GovernmentBiden’s Anti-Eurasian Green Delusion and America’s Race to Irrelevance
Many people couldn’t help but laugh when Biden told the Boris Johnson on March 26 that the USA and it’s NATO allies should create “an infrastructure plan to rival the Belt and Road Initiative” post haste. What would such a program look like? How would it be funded when the USA is so embarrassingly bankrupt? Who among the nations of the world would ever consider buying a ticket onto such a sinking ship?
It took a few weeks for details to finally emerge, but by the end of the April 22-23 Climate Summit hosted by Biden, John Kerry and Anthony Blinken, it has become abysmally clear what delusions possessed the poor president.
Matt Ehret: Tomorrow’s Arctic: Theatre of War or Cooperation? The Real Story Behind the Alaska Purchase
06 Russia, Civil SocietyToday, the Arctic has increasingly become identified as a domain of great prosperity and cooperation amongst world civilizations on the one side and a domain of confrontation and war on the other.
In 2007, the Russian government first voiced its support for the construction of the Bering Strait rail tunnel connecting the Americas with the Eurasian continent- a policy which has taken on new life in 2020 as Putin’s Great Arctic Development strategy has wedded itself to the northern extension of the Belt and Road Initiative (dubbed the Polar Silk Road). In 2011, the Russian government re-stated its pledge to build the $64 billion project.
On the Stone Age side of things, deep state neocons have also looked upon the arctic as a strategic zone of global importance, but with a very different mental filter from their Russian counterparts. NORAD’s leadership and a vast array of NATO-philes have repeatedly called upon the Arctic as a domain of militarization and confrontation with their primary “strategic nemeses” Russia and China.