The Truth Behind the Official Story of Finding Bin Laden
truthdig via antiwar.com
In fact, during his six years in Abbottabad, bin Laden was not the functioning head of al-Qaeda at all, but an isolated figurehead who had become irrelevant to the actual operations of the organization. The real story, told here for the first time, is that bin Laden was in the compound in Abbottabad because he had been forced into exile by the al-Qaeda leadership.
The CIA’s claim that it found bin Laden on its own is equally false. In fact, the intensive focus on the compound in Abbottabad was the result of crucial intelligence provided by the Pakistani intelligence agency, the Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).

Bin Laden was planning to kill Obama and General Petraeus
Osama bin Ladenthe founder of Al Qaeda , He was killed by U.S. special forces in May 2011 at his residence in Abbottabad Pakistan , The Washington Post reported Osama Bin Laden was planning to kill Barack Obama by shooting down his plane from U.S. land , according to the instructions to his subordinates from the hiding place of Abbottabad and included in the documentation gathered there by U.S. special forces This information is now being declassified in the near future will be made public and has already been consulted by some media as “The Washington Post” and ” ABC”.
According to the newspaper, bin Laden ordered to organize a network of special cells in Afghanistan and Pakistan to attack the plane of President Obama.
Phi Beta Iota. The insanity continues.
See Also:
Bin Laden Show: Entries 01-84 UPDATED 4 May 2012