Georgi Alexandrov Stankov: The Usual Delay of the Ascension Scenario Propels Us to Much Higher Favourable Timelines

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Extraterrestial Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

The Usual Delay of the Ascension Scenario Propels Us to Much Higher Favourable Timelines

What can we expect in the coming days? As I said, it is our thumb rule that each obvious delay of the ascension scenario in the perceived 3D linear time opens the portals to bilocate rapidly onto much higher timelines where the Shift will arrive first and then the 3D resolution of the current political drama in the USA and the world over can take place in a more favorable fashion.

In the meantime, the USA will have two governments – the fake Biden government and the invisible military regime where the real power lies. This is a stalemate situation that serves us perfectly well to accomplish our ultimate goal – to leave this toxic reality asap as we cannot care any longer about how the masses of young souls organize their new life. They have to make their own choices without our stewardship and guidance on the ground, otherwise, they will not learn anything and will not progress in their soul evolution.

Read full post with multiple substantive links.

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