Conferize is a set of event tools. It has a website builder, many ticket options, an interactive schedule thing, and more.
Strategic Operations, Inc. (STOPS) provides Hyper-Realistic™ training environments for military, law enforcement and other organizations, using state-of-the-art movie industry special effects, role players, proprietary techniques, training scenarios, facilities, mobile structures, sets, props, and equipment.
Since 2002 STOPS has provided pre-deployment training support to more than 750,000 military personnel (and still counting, every day) using our STOPS created Hyper-Realistic™ environments. STOPS is part of Stu Segall Productions, one of the largest independent TV / movie studios in the country.
Includes descriptions not offered by other lists.
Comprehensive List of 170 Open Source Intelligence Tools
See Also:
Qiword from Wesley Wittkamper on Vimeo.
Crowdsourcer.io is an alternative crowd sourcing platform that allows developers and designers alike to create or join in on software related projects, build up their contribution and earn an income from the final product. Think of Crowdsourcer.io as something between open source software creation and Kickstarter start ups, a new crowd sourcing alternative, in its purest form.
The book is $49 (gov/mil) and verified contractors (com, org). It can only be ordered via darkwebnotebook@yandex.com. The book is, at this time, not available to anyone outside the LE, intel, and security community. I will verify each purchase because the book equips a smart 15 year old to set up a Dark Web business and possibly engage in unlawful activities with less than one hour's work with a false identity and a means to purchase digital currency. Direct orders only. No Amazon because I cannot vet the purchasers. A person who works at Booz, Allen or similar company will have to pay $199. Work email required.
The Web info page is at www.xenky.com/darkwebnotebook.
My name is Luca Pintilie (Luke Pranay) and I am from Eastern Europe, Romania respectively.
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