Thanks to everyone that has ordered this book, which is published as a non-profit endeavor. The concluding leadership in peacekeeping digest which is structured as an intelligence cycle versus levels of warfare (strategic, operational, tactical, technical) matrix continues to be available at or by request to the US editor.
The third annual conference on peacekeeping intelligence by Sweden built from this book in December 2004, and the contributed papers were superb and moved the literature to a new level of detail, the operational level of detail. That book will be published in 2008 as “Peacekeeping Intelligence: The Way Ahead” co-edited by Col Jan-Inge Svensson of the Swedish Military Academy.
Six other titles are planned for 2008-2009, you can follow them (and read them free online although we do recommend the books as collector's items). Earth Intelligence Network has the details.
COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE: Creating a Prosperous World at Peace
PEACE INTELLIGENCE: Assuring a Good Life for All
COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE: From Moral Green to Golden Peace
Subject to change, 2009:
GIFT INTELLIGENCE: Optimizing & Orchestrating Global Charity
CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE: Faith, Ideology, & the Five Minds
GLOBAL INTELLIGENCE: EarthGame(tm) for All
The Swedes, with the explicit leadership of the Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces, are henceforth sponsoring a tactical peacekeeping intelligence course in March-April of each year that will be open to others–talk to your nearest Swedish defense attache. That course will lead to the third book in the series on “Peacekeeping Intelligence: Tactics for Success.”
Readers of this book who wish to recommend or write contributions to the follow-on book are urged to communicate with the US editor via email, with a decision deadline of 1 November 2005.
This book, and your purchase of it, would never have been possible without They have opened new paths for information sharing that will help bring peace and prosperity to the dark corners of the world, including New Orleans.
Consider the other books in the set, also free online:
On Intelligence: Spies and Secrecy in an Open World
The New Craft of Intelligence: Personal, Public, & Political–Citizen's Action Handbook for Fighting Terrorism, Genocide, Disease, Toxic Bombs, & Corruption
Information Operations: All Information, All Languages, All the Time
THE SMART NATION ACT: Public Intelligence in the Public Interest
All future books will be published by Earth Intelligence Network, a Virginia non-profit, and sold in limited editions via Amazon, while also free by the chapter at the EIN web site.
See the first book in the new peace series, also free online, Collective Intelligence: Creating a Prosperous World at Peace