2009 Arnold Google: The Digital Gutenberg

Historic Contributions, Technologies, Tools
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

Robert Steele, the #1 Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, considers Stephen E. Arnold to be the single most professional analyst of emerging information technologies and their social meaning.  His “Google Triology” may well be the most significant body of work of practical significance not just to the information industry, but to civil liberties, capitalism, civil society, democracy,  digital dictatorship, digital ethics,  governance, intellectual property, privacy,  and all manner of community, budget, policy, and threat as it is impacted by Google, a supranational predator with out of this world computational mathematics and no commitment at all to public intelligence in the public interest.  Below is the cover to his latest offering, with a link to Infonortics UK, the sole source of this e-book that we recommend be printed.


The link within the book cover includes immediate free access to the table of contents and a sample chapter as well as the author's three-point summary.  At the book's home page are also links to his first two works, The Google Legacy and Google 2.0: The Calculating Predator, and a special offer for the Google Trilogy.

Below are the printing instructions we use with this kind of work:


Color, double-side, laser paper except last two and first pages which should be on 80 cover stock.  Wire binding, please use closest possible to avoid overage of wire beyond book's natural thickness.

Phi Beta Iota is now planning a monthly series at the Naitonal Press Club beginning with three lectures by the author of the Google Trilogy; invited Congressional staff will be admitted free, $25 is the planned fee.  In our experience, half the value of this industry and trend analyst's public appearances lies in the questions that can be asked and answered “off the record.”  Google is a new form of digital power, and like a weapon, or a nuclear rod, it can be used for great good or great evil.

September:1.  “How to Adapt to Google's Disruptive Tactics”.   In one hour, he explains  what Google is doing, the options for dealing with Google actions, and the suggested method for adapting. This applies to commercial and non commercial entities.

October:  “How to Make Money Using Google's Services.” This applies to entrepreneurs and established companies that need new source of revenue. The session explains what Google has available, examples of making money via Google, and the steps needed to get started.

November: “How to Use Google to Reduce the Cost of Web Site Search”

December:  ” Google's Business Targets”

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