There's nothing inherently wrong with the analysis of Al Qaeda (I just glanced at it, if you wish I can read in detail today). The PROBLEM lies not so much in how we analyze support to terrorism (state, crime, other) but rather in the way we analyze (or rather do NOT analyze) EVERYTHING.
Here's what I have thrown together for you, in six pages with links.
Summary of Contents (OC Iraq II)
- Why We Missed the Threat
- Terrorism is Threat Number Nine Out of Ten
- Terrorism is a Tactic, Al Qaeda an Interest Group
- Without Legitimacy Forget About Stabilization
- Rebalancing the Instruments of National Power
- Three Things Secret Intelligence Cannot Do
- Advise & Assist Transition to Exit Menu
- Strategic Communications
- Inter-Agency Professionals
- Regional Concordat
- Faith Brigades
- Redirect Funds Toward Waging Peace
- Contain Israel
- Make Nice with China
Semper Fidelis, Robert