Worth A Look: Christopher Ketcham Writ Large

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence
Christopher Ketcham

The article I wrote on Google was killed by Rolling Stone, but I’m now publishing it at CounterPunch.org, with help from the Nation Institute Investigative Fund.

Still on the secession book.  About halfway done.   Concentrating on the Vermonter secessionists, whose credo is Food-Fuel-Finance Sovereignty.

Orion MagazineThe Curse of Bigness,” is about human scale in government and business and social groups…the kind of human scale that corporatist America is doing everything to eradicate.

For those who missed the investigation in GQ about how cell phone radiation is burning out our brains and bodies – and how the telecom industry and the US military have together covered up the science showing a risk – see this op-ed in the Los Angeles Times, which gives the short answer to the question: Should I smash my cell phone with a hammer today, or should I wait a day?

Three pieces in CounterPunch touching on similar themes:

— an article about the disease of technophilia and our mind-destroying obsession with digital gadgetry.

— an article about Joe Stack, the Texas suicide-terrorist pilot who last month crashed his plane into the IRS building in Austin.  He left behind a manifesto of sorts that makes wonderful sense…except for the part where he goes crazy and flies his plane into the IRS building.

— a piece titled “Freedom of Speech for a Fiction,” about the curse of corporate personhood and the recent Supreme Court decision freeing up these sociopathic “persons” to pollute electoral politics with ever more money.

Finally, for those readers/fans of Harper’s, keep an eye out for a piece of mine coming out in the May issue.  It’s about how New York State government perfects what political scientist Sheldon Wolin calls “inverted totalitarianism,” where the forms of democracy are preserved with none of the substance.   Leave it to the “progressive” Empire State to show the way to ruin…

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