The NYS GIS conference has a long standing tradition of providing attendees with an opportunity to meet fellow New Yorkers active in the GIS field, exchange information and real experience, and seek solutions to your geographic data management needs.
Comment: The following is not on the agenda of this conference but would be good to see it surface in some form. Open government + open data + data visualization + mobile + public interest feedback loops mapped at the local level (massively expanding the EveryBlock zipcode and Wikimapia models) to develop a democratic framework; giving more people a voice and to displace corruption. Using technology as community leadership tools that create better governance for stronger, more creative and smarter cities, where we clearly see collective intelligence for the collective good producing results. Also see this New York City Wiki listing all neighborhoods, Open311, and Do-It-Yourself City (and their Open Letter to Mayor Bloomberg about Open311).
+ Open Data Developments from Seattle & New York City