Journal: CrowdSourcing Big Time–Games for Dollars

03 Economy, 11 Society, Collective Intelligence, Methods & Process

UPDATE of 16 October 2010: CrowdSourcing Conference Papers Online

Full Story Online

Is Microtask the Future of Work?

GigaOm By Liz Gannes Oct. 8, 2010

Crowdsourcing is often used for fairly menial tasks: correcting databases, screening offensive images, transcribing audio. But what if you could make those little bits of human labor even more menial, discrete and interchangeable? That’s what the Finnish company Microtask does. I met with Microtask CEO Wili Miettinen and CTO Otto Chrons earlier this week while they were in town for CrowdConf, the first major gathering for the crowdsourcing industry.

The World's First Conference on the Future of Distributed Work

Crowdsourcing is the act of engaging distributed groups of people to complete microtasks or generate information. It represents an expanding sphere of innovation, organization, data collection, and creativity.

Crowdsourcing raises complex questions about the future of work; the technical and organizational infrastructure used to complete large-scale tasks; and the relationships between computers, people, and the networks that connect us.

Conference happened on 4 October, visit conference site.

Phi Beta Iota: What we consider important about this is the clear profit incentive to integrate games and work.  This is huge.  It opens a number of almost infinitely scalable options that connect dots and people and money.

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