From a source that must remain anonymous.
State governments are in serious trouble now and once the federally-provided Stimulus Funds are used up in FY10 many states willhave no choice but to cut significant numbers of staff as well as marginalize social & health services programs (not to mention Corrections,compliance programs like Environmental Protection) dislocating chunks of the American population. As you can imagine, the US has manydomestic problems ahead.
Phi Beta Iota: Rumor has it has the Obama Administration is discussing the federalization of the police across all fifty states, which one can assume will lead to a show-down over gun confiscation and use of the Haliburton “civil distrubance resettlement camps”–once again demonstrating that there are zero degrees of separation between the Bush-Cheney and Obama-Biden Administrations. We pray that the United STATES of America will put the federal government back in its place as a service of common concern' spank it for betraying the public trust, and demand the Electoral Reform Act of 2009 in time to flush half or all of the two-party tyranny down the toilet in 2010.