Captain Wayne Porter discusses “A National Strategic Narrative”
Posted: Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Institute of World Politics
Captain Porter explained that US policy could benefit from adhering to a coherent strategic context. He was concerned that our leaders increasingly are becoming captive to temporal urgency without being able to consider a wider strategic perspective. We need to appreciate the interconnectedness and complexity of our strategic environment – better described as a strategic ecology. He said that this argues for a whole-of-nation, functional approach to development, diplomacy and defense, versus simply treating these as organizational stovepipes. He pointed out that such a functional approach has now been recognized in the National Security Strategy, the Quadrennial Defense Review, and the Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review.
Reference: National Strategic Narrative
Phi Beta Iota: It has been evident for some time that Admiral Mike Mullen, USN, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has been struggling to represent integrity in a dysfunctional system that does not value integrity, preferring a mix of hubris, complacency, and ideological accommodation. This narrative is an extraordinary display of integrity in the holistic analytic sense, a strategic counterpart to the operational narrative produced by General Mike Flynn on irrelevant intelligence. It has to be said: there are a handful of flag officers and rising Colonels & Captains (O-6) with real promise. The above is the August 2010 version, the only one we have been able to find in public circulation.
Reference: Frog 6 Guidance 2010-2020
USA National Military Strategy 2011 + RECAP