Worth a Look: Macrowikinomics Hyper-Transparency

Worth A Look
Don Tapscott
Anthony Williams

Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams

Posted: December 10, 2010 11:08 AM

Macrowikinomics: Thriving in the Age of Hyper-Transparency

Amazon Page

This article is the fifth installment in series to be written by Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams, authors of the newly released book Macrowikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World. Mark Parker, the CEO of Nike calls it “A masterpiece. An iconic and defining book for our times.” The Economist says it's a Schumpeterian story of creative Destruction.”

The book argues that many of the institutions of the industrial age have finally come to the end of their lifecycle, and are now being reinvented around a new set of principles and a networked model.

Today's blog looks this new age of WikiLeaks and hyper-transparency


The arrest of Julian Assange doesn't change the new reality faced by governments and corporations that have always craved secrecy. Even if Assange is put behind bars for an extended period, others will be happy to take his place. Think of the whack-a-mole game at the arcade. Hit one on the head and another will pop up.

The WikiLeaks episode is just a hint of the world to come. We are entering an era of hyper-transparency. Courtesy of the Internet, people everywhere have at their fingertips the most powerful tool ever for finding out what's really going and informing others. They are gaining unprecedented access to all sorts of information about governments, corporations and other organizations in society.

Read rest of the posting that  summarizes the reality and the value of hyper-transparency.

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