Cofer Black Says Threat Posed by Hackers Same as Pre-9/11 Terrorism
Public Intelligence Net, 4 August 2011
not to be confused with Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog
Ex-CIA official sounds alarm about hackers’ next targets (CNN):
The former director of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center raised concerns Wednesday about an impending “code war” in which hackers will tamper not just with the Internet but with technology that runs real-world infrastructure.
Somewhat fittingly, Cofer Black’s keynote talk at the Black Hat hacker conference at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas was interrupted by a literal alarm: flashing lights, sirens and the whole bit.
“Attention, please. Attention, please,” a robotic woman’s voice said repeatedly as Black smiled, apparently confused. “We are currently investigating the alarm signal you are hearing. Please remain calm.”
After a pause and some laughs from the audience, Black kept going.
Phi Beta Iota: He does not seem to realize he was put on the program as an inside joke, or that we all knew in 1990-1994 that cyber-space was going to be the next combat zone. What Mr. Black does not appear to understand, is that hackers are the good guys, while politicians, bureaucrats, and vendors who routinely betray the public trust are the bad guys. He is out of touch with both history and reality. He lives in a world of lies, not the world of truth. Only in the world of truth can problems be fully understood and intelligently addressed. Here above the line are one simple graphic and the most recent exposure of the cyber-scam that is on-going between ignorant Contracting Officers and equally ignorant vendors. Below the line are more references.
2010: OPINION–America’s Cyber Scam
2010 Hacking Humanity & SPY IMPROV, Email, Photos, Complete Audio
DefDog: Cyber-Command Can’t Find Ball…
DefDog: US Army Blows Intelligence Computing (Again)…
Internet and Revolution–Three Insights
Journal: Army Industrial-Era Network Security + Cyber-Security RECAP (Links to Past Posts)
Journal: Climate Change and “Hacktivism”
Journal: Cyber-Security Etc. & Multinational Engagement
Journal: Cyber-Security or Cyber-Scam? Plus Short List of Links to Reviews and Books on Hacking 101
Journal: Cyber-War, Cyber-Peace, Cyber-Scam
Journal: DARPA Catches Up with 1994
Journal: Drones versus Pioneers–Defining the Finish Line
Journal: German Hackers Point to 9-11 Text Messages
Journal: Google digital evil or digital child?
Journal: Microsoft, Cyber-Security, Syllable, & Integrity
Journal: Microsoft, Kinect, & Hackers
Journal: Pentagon as VERY Slow Learner….
Journal: Pentagon Flails in Defending Cyberspace
Journal: Tyranny Looms Large–First the Internet, then the Guns, then Liberty Lost
Journal: Who Controls (and Secures) the Internet?
OpenMoko, OpenBTS, Free Your Phone & Humanity
Profiling Hackers (or Attackers?)…Further Blurring of lines Between Crime & Hacking
Reference: Bruce Schneier on Cyber War & Cyber Crime
Reference: Hacking Humanity & Open Everything
Reference: How Web-Code Geeks Help NGO’s and Media
Reference: Lee Felsenstein & Dave Warner Converse
Reference: List of Hacker Spaces World-Wide
Reference: Transparency Killer App Plus “Open Everything” RECAP (Back to 01/2007)
Review (DVD): The Social Network
Review: Counterculture Through the Ages–From Abraham to Acid House
Review: CYBERPUNK–Outlaws and Hackers on the Computer Frontier, Revised
Review: Dear Hacker–Letters to the Editor of 2600
Review: Free Software, Free Society–Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman (Hardcover)
Review: Hackers–Heroes of the Computer Revolution
Review: INFORMATION WARFARE–Chaos on the Electronic Superhighway
Review: Masters of Deception–The Gang That Ruled Cyberspace
Review: Networks and Netwars–The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy
Review: Stealing the Network–How to Own a Continent
Review: The Best of 2600–A Hacker Odyssey
Review: The Hacker Crackdown–Law And Disorder On The Electronic Frontier
Review: The Second Self–Computers and the Human Spirit
Robert Steele: Secrecy, Self-Restraint, & Democracy Done in By Elites and “Experts”
Search: Steele USMC C4I 1990′s
Search: smart nation intelligence reform electoral reform national security reform
The Emergent Open Source Revolution
WikiLeaks Mindset Growing Far & Wide
Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Communications & Computing
Deja Vu (Been There, Done That)
1986 Artificial Intelligence and Complex Organizations
1992 USNI Proceedings C4I The New Linchpin
1992 E3i: Ethics, Ecology, Evolution, & intelligence (An Alternative Paradigm)
1994 Sounding the Alarm on Cyber-Security
1994 National and Corporate Security in the Age of Information
1995 Creating a Smart Nation: Strategy, Policy, Intelligence, & Information
1995 National Information Strategy 101 Presentation to CENDI/COSPO
1998 Talking Points on Hackers
1998 TAKEDOWN: Targets, Tools, & Technocracy
1998 Information Peacekeeping: The Purest Form of War
1998 JFQ The Asymmetric Threat: Listening to the Debate
2002 FAILURE of 20th Century Intelligence
2004 Department of Homeland Security (November)
2006 The Failure of 21st Century Intelligence (Followed by SPY IMPROV)
2008 Earth Intelligence Network Brief to Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE)
2008 Chapter: Paradigms of Failure
2009 Perhaps We Should Have Shouted: A Twenty-Year Restrospective
2009 The Ultimate Hack: Re-Inventing Intelligence to Re-Engineer Earth (Denmark 27-28 October 2009)
2011 Cyber-Command or IO 21 + IO Roots
See Also:
- Hacking (15)
- Information Operations (IO)(1085)
- Advanced Cyber/IO (532)
- Autonomous Internet (110)
- IO Deeds of Peace (15)
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