Are universities reluctant to use iTunes U?
By Charlie Osborne | May 5, 2012, 7:30am PDT
zdnet iGeneration
Summary: Is iTunes U a viable platform for school systems to implement?
Many of us remember Steve Jobs and his wish to ‘revolutionize education’, but how many universities and colleges are taking advantage of the learning-based tools Apple has provided?
Created in 2007, iTunes U is advertised by Apple as a service that can be used to design and distribute courses that go beyond traditional print media. Designed to appeal to educators, the platform can be used to create interactive learning material for students at university, college or K-12 level.
According to Apple, there have been over 700 million downloads to date of iTunes U. However, are there many colleges and universities who have made the transition from their own platforms to the modern service on offer?
Phi Beta Iota: Proprietary does not scale nor adapt. Any questions?
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