Worth a Look: Gary Null Progressive Web and Radio

Cultural Intelligence, Worth A Look
Gary Null

America’s leading Health and Nutrition Expert
Alternative Medicine and Natural Healing Advocate
Award-Winning Talk Radio Host, Documentary Filmmaker & Investigative Reporter

Time magazine called him “The New Mr. Natural.” My Generation magazine dubbed him one of the top-four health gurus in the United States. For over three decades, Gary Null has been one of the foremost advocates of alternative medicine and natural healing.

An award-winning journalist and New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Null has over 70 books on nutrition, self-empowerment and public health issues, including his most recent, Power Aging. His syndicated public radio show, Natural Living with Gary Null, earned eight Silver Microphone Awards and was the longest-running, continuously aired health program in America (27 years). Currently The Gary Null Show can be heard on the number one Internet talk radio show VoiceAmerica (www.voice.voiceamerica.com) from 12 noon to 1 p.m.EST. Null also broadcasts on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays on WPFW (89.3 FM) from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m EST in Washington D.C. The Gary Null Show is on WWRL (1600 AM) from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in New York. In addition, he can be heard in Los Angeles on Something’s Happening with Roy of Hollywood on KPFK (90.7 FM) from 12 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. PST. Lastly, Dr. Null can be heard on Sunday evenings on the Health Radio Network in New York.

His listeners are progressives –  politically very independent and don’t identify with Democrats or Republicans, but most would lean a bit towards being liberals but greatly disdaining orthodox liberals and liberal Democrats. Again, very independent thinkers, ranging from college kids to elderly former 1960’s former radicals and former hippies now retiring, and all kinds of people.  It’s a wonderful audience though, comprised of people who are very decent, intelligent, well-read, well-educated, and crave integrity and truth. BTW, his father was a policeman. He grew up in Parkersburg, West Virginia.

Complete Biography with Many Awards

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A Progressive Stimulus Package for America’s Future Sustainability 

Gary Null Biography   .   GaryNull.com   .   Gary Null Radio   .   Gary Null Radio Archives   .

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Below the line: the categories from Gary Null's website.





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