John Robb: Global Economic Reset — And Surviving It

Communities of Practice, Officers Call, Policies, Resilience
John Robb

A Global Economic Reset? Don't Wait to Find Out. Build Something Better

By John Robb

Building a resilient life, home and community is its own reward.  It's simply the best way to live a good life.  However, there's also another reason to do it.  It's where the global system is headed, and the penalties for not starting early are steep.  To really understand this, here's a well-written and detailed report on how and why a collapse of our global financial and economic systems are likely to occur.

It's a new report called, “Trade Off” by David Korowicz.  Here's a quick summary:

  • The global financial and economic system is now a network. Everything is connected.
  • This system has become VERY big and VERY complex. It's simply beyond what government bureaucracies and markets were designed to manage/control.
  • Inevitably, as with all unstable systems that can't be manged/controlled, it will collapse. It will shrink to a size that can be managed through markets and bureaucracy.

As reports on this topic goes, it's very well written and provides quite a bit of conceptual detail.  However, as with ALL reports on this topic, it doesn't offer a solution.  Why? There simply isn't one available for the system as it is today. No fix. No patch. No tweak that will auto-magically fix our system's problems.  So, what happens when the global system resets? Nobody really knows, but….

One good bet: if it resets quickly, as David predicts in his report, government bureaucracies will step in to keep things going.  How? They will nationalize large sections of economy and determine what is produced and what isn't.  What will it feel like? Think in terms of how the US and European economies mobilized for world war 2, but without the war.

Of course, it will be a disaster.

The global economy would shrink to a very small fraction of what it is today. Why? Bureaucracies, even bureaucracies that use computers, can't handle more than a fraction of the current economic system's complexity. It gets even more impossible to manage when you add in cross boarder supply chain dependencies.

How Do We Avoid This?

Sounds dire? It doesn't have to be.  I've spent my life working on solutions to hideously complex problems like this. It's possible to bypass it entirely.


By building resilient, dynamic local economies that thrive as the global system sputters. Communities that have learned to produce food, energy, water, products, and incomes locally.  NOTE: Fortunately, nearly all of the technology trends are helping us on this. It's getting easier and easier to produce everything we need locally, every day.

These re-localized economies will interconnect with others globally. They will prosper together.  A decentralized network like this will grow very quickly as word of their success grows.  Soon, these communities will not only replace the things that were lost with the demise of the global economy, they will find ways to improve upon them. To do better than what's possible in current global system.  There's only one catch to this.

In order to participate, you need to act. To add resilience to your life, your home, and your community. Start producing.  I'll help you. Here's how to join me and everyone else that already has.

Resiliently Yours,


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