If you subscsribe now, you will also get my first topical report, entitled: ‘Water Abundance: How to Declare Your Water Sovereignty’.
- How climate change will actually impact you
- What you can do to limit the impact of climate change on you and your community
- The three things you need to begin capturing water
- Eight principles of resilient water from “the Rainman”
- Using swales and berms to control water flows
- How to calculate how much water you will need and where you can get it
- Nine simple water saving tips that are used in Australia
- Details on the tools used to collect rainwater
- A sample rainwater irrigation system, complete with pictures of each step in the process
- Q&A with an innovative expert on how these tactics can be used to grow a local business
- And most importantly…how easily a family of four can use these methods to have enough water to grow a large and bountiful garden