Rough summary of sequester. From numbers, does not appear equally split between defense and non-defense. W/R/T federal employee pay cuts, approx 791,000 DoD civil servants are facing an approximately 8.33 percent pay cut (like a fine for doing absolutely nothing wrong) by way of 22 furlough days off between mid-April and 30 Sep. IMHO, both Congress and White House have failed to do their jobs.
Frequently Asked Questions: A Comprehensive Sequester Primer
By Dylan Matthews
Washington Post, February 24, 2013, Pg. 7
EXTRACT (Remix Alpha Sort Added)
Will any programs actually end?
Nope. The sequester cuts discretionary spending across the board by 9.4 percent for defense and 8.2 percent for everything else. But no programs are actually eliminated. The effect is to reduce the scale and scope of existing programs rather than to zero out any of them.
What notable programs get cut?
Here are just a few (note that these are rough estimates based on numbers put out by OMB before the fiscal cliff deal):
Aircraft purchases by the Air Force and Navy are cut by $3.5 billion.
Airport security is cut by about $323 million.
Border security is cut by about $581 million.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is cut by about $323 million.
Energy Department’s program for securing our nuclear weapons is cut by $650 million.
FBI gets cut by $480 million.
Federal prison system gets cut by $355 million.
FEMA’s disaster relief budget is cut by $375 million.
Food and Drug Administration is cut by $206 million.
Global health programs are cut by $433 million
Head Start gets cut by $406 million, kicking 70,000 children out of the program.
Holocaust Memorial Museum is cut by $2.6 million.
Immigration enforcement is cut by about $323 million.
Library of Congress is cut by $31 million.
Military operations across the services are cut by about $13.5 billion.
Military research is cut by $6.3 billion.
Millennium Challenge sees a $46 million cut and
NASA gets cut by $970 million.
National Institutes of Health gets cut by $1.6 billion.
National Science Foundation gets cut by about $388 million.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission is cut by $55 million.
Patent and Trademark office is cut by $156 million.
Public housing support is cut by about $1.94 billion.
SEC is cut by $75.6 million.
Special education is cut by $840 million.
State Department diplomatic functions are cut by $650 million.
USAID a cut of about $291 million.
See Also:
Everything you need to know about the debt ceiling in one post