The Warrior Destroyers Most of All Kill Hope
Jacob Barnett is a 14 year old physics prodigy who may be smarter than Einstein. He's the youngest person ever to be published in the prestigious physics journal: “Physical Review A.” He hopes to build on Einstein's Theory of Relativity. He's writing a book to help people overcome their fear of math. And he describes his thought process as thinking in the fourth dimension. What marvels of technology will spring from his eventual discoveries? No one knows.
But will humankind even be around long enough for us to find out? This is what's so frustrating about the destroyers of our times, like terrorists and megalomaniacal war-mongers like Bush and Cheney. It's hard to know just how much they are destroying. How many child geniuses did they kill in Iraq?
One way they are destroying is by keeping technology bogged down in finding more efficient was to kill and destroy, which is a waste of valuable time which would be better spent on creating rather than destroying, and on discovering peaceful uses for technology rather than destructive uses for technology. And they may well destroy the world before Jacob Barnett can discover the technologies that might make war obsolete.
Humankind is balancing on the edge of a precipice, and we need all the creative minds we can muster to help us solve all the looming problems we're faced with. There are certain key problems, which if solved might help humanity avoid self-destruction. For example, a cheap and efficient way of producing solar energy would change everything. Technological advancement has never been more important. And yet the destroyers of the world are delaying such advancements and making our self-destruction more likely.
Jacob and his parents say that if he hadn't discovered math and science he likely would have retreated into his inner world and essentially disappeared. It was because they allowed him to chart his own course from a young age that he was eventually able to develop social skills to the point where few people would even realize that he has autism. In fact he's proud of his autism and says it's the reason why he cares. Otherwise he would have never cared about anything, including learning to socialize. In years gone by his talent likely would have been wasted, because he started retreating into his own world when he was around two years old. In another age he may have ended up a virtual vegetable in the back ward of a state mental hospital.
A very intelligent guy once told me that it's unlikely that human intelligence will advance much farther than it has up to this point. He claimed that that would require larger brains, which would require larger heads, which would not be able to pass through a woman's womb. And he claimed that the pelvic area of women cannot grow large enough for larger heads without affecting their ability to walk. But I doubted his conclusion. And sure enough, people like Jacob Barnett are showing us that nature will find a way. All of us don't have to be as smart as Jacob. Only some of us. And the autism spectrum disorders seem to be providing humankind with that extra boost of intelligence we need and neatly bypassing the problem of needing larger brains and larger heads.
There are countless indications that humankind is at the dawn of a second Enlightenment that borders on the miraculous. Unfortunately the destroyers are on a different track. And they seem to be trying to kill the new era in utero. They seem to be in a race to destroy the humanity before humanity can create itself anew. And the innovations they are postponing through their actions may be the very innovations that could make war obsolete. Jacob is on one track and the destroyers are on another. Only time will tell who wins that race.
Click below for back story and several videos.
14 Year Old with Asperger Syndrome May Be Smarter Than Einstein
Phi Beta Iota: Intra-terrestial intelligence, human intelligence, and extra-terrestial intelligence are dancing around destruction.
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