Born in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, in 1988, I've started my academic career at the faculty of philosophy at the Saint-Petersburg State University, working on the concepts of “chaos” and “miracles” (from 2005 to 2010). In 2008-2010 I was studying political sociology at the French University College (CUF) where I won a scholarship to make my Master research in Paris, at the University Paris 5. I got my Master degree in 2011 and spent one year in my native city, taking part in the anti-Putin movement and making a fieldwork about the usage of mobile applications by russian activists. In summer 2012 I've got a scholarship for PhD studies and entered the Center of Sociology of Innovations (MinesParisTech), famous for its actor-network approach. At the CSI I am studying the process of social and technical innovation experimented and deployed within several arenes of mobilization in Russia, France and Canada and I am especially focusing on the practices of usage of mobile applications as tools of citizen counterpower, citizen expertise and control over the public services.