This is excellent news. The cost of solar is coming down like a skier on a slope. If we took the same money we have willingly been spending on Iraq and Afghanistan, to no good purpose whatever, and put it to work converting the entire country off of carbon energy, we would create enormous prosperity. Unemployment would drop to 3-4%. Every energy conversion — animals and wind to coal, coal to petroleum — has created enormous wealth from the top down. We should be embracing this transformation not resisting it. And that's without even considering the effect on climate change. The struggle is not going to be technological, but how old forms die.
First Solar Reports Largest Quarterly Decline In CdTe Module Cost Per-Watt Since 2007
Clean Technica
Click through and look at the geographical distribution of poverty in the U.S. You will see on the maps that persistent poverty exists overwhelmingly in Red value states. I think this is happening because the white minority has made their retaining power their first priority, easily trumping social wellness. These are also the most violent, and the most religious states. They are controlled by the Caucasian Theocratic Ri! ght. The failure of the Right's social policies is glaringly obvious by any social measure one chooses. Why is almost no one talking about this?
Geography of Poverty
USDA Economic Research Service
This is the latest on the Prison Privatization trend showing how it is creating the New American Slavery. I find it amazing that this is going on, and nobody talks about it. Two years ago when I first really saw this trend, and wrote about it, I thought people would be outraged. (See: The New American Slavery.
Non-Violent Offenders Fill Jails in Prison Nation’s Worst State: Louisiana
Once again: Water is destiny. This excellent report spells out just what we face. Click through to see the charts and maps.
No Water, No Life
VL BAKER – Daily Kos