Yet another story of the failure of austerity policies. The dominant economic philosophy of the Theocratic Right since Ronald Reagan has repeatedly been shown to be a failure. Yet, so far as I can tell, none of these failures have had the slightest effect on wretched Rightist corrupt political prostitutes in the U.S. House of Representatives. We have become a fact-free culture.
By George, Britain’s Austerity Experiment Didn’t Work!
JOHN CASSIDY – The New Yorker
We keep being warned, and we keep ignoring the warnings, so we are going to live with the consequences.
The Devolution of the Seas: The Consequences of Oceanic Destruction
ALAN B. SIELEN – Foreign Affairs
This and the next story are so immoral they almost take one's breath away. One out of five children in the United States go to bed hungry. We do not have universal healthcare. Our schools are in shambles. But there are untold billions for war and “nation building” in nations other than our own. You'd think we would be ! ashamed, but shame about thoughtless callous programs that punish people already sorely reduced no longer seems to play any role in our society.
U.S. Needs Millions More to Complete Afghanistan’s ‘Pentagon’
TIM CRAIG – The Washington Post
This is what the insane wars of Bush and Obama have resulted in. How can this be justified? I find this disgusting.
Fleet of Planes From $486 Million Program for Afghan Security Forces Scheduled to Be Destroyed
HANQING CHEN – The Daily Beast
This is what it is like to live in a region where Fracking is going on. Would you like to live like this?
Welcome to Gasland: Denton, Texas Residents Face Fracking Impacts From EagleRidge Energy