Eben Moglen: Snowden and the Future + Moglen’s Written Manifesto on Secrecy & Privacy (Privacy is Citizen Secrecy)

Academia, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government
Eben Moglen
Eben Moglen

October 9, October 30, November 13 and December 4; 2013.

Columbia Law School in association with Software Freedom Law Center

From approximately 17:11 in NSA Spying talk 3 of 4 by Prof. Eben Moglen, a presentation sponsored by the Software Freedom Law Center of the Columbia Law School.

“The anonymity of reading is the central, fundamental guarantor of freedom of the mind.  Without anonymity of reading there is no freedom of the mind, and there is literally slavery.”

This is at 6:35 from part 4:

“Collectively, we are trying to save the freedom of humanity and democracy, which cannot be otherwise saved.  As we have seen, pervasive relentless surveillance destroys freedom of thought. And without freedom of thought, all other freedoms are merely privilege, conceded by government.”

Part I: Westward the Course of Empire

Part II: Oh, Freedom

Part III: The Union, May it Be Preserved

Part IV: Freedom's Future

Written Manifesto: Privacy under attack: the NSA files revealed new threats to democracy

Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
