A possible model for true cost economics movement.
What's in your technology may shock you…
Your daily life requires vital minerals that may originate in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and other countries.
Tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold are referred to as conflict minerals.
We're examining our supply chain to eliminate conflict minerals that finance violence and are working with industry partners to establish a smelter validation process. This Conflict-Free Smelter Program (CFSP) is a third-party audit process designed to validate smelter sourcing practices, providing a mechanism to obtain minerals from conflict-free sources while providing safer alternatives for local workers.
Phi Beta Iota: Ethics is coming back into public consciousness and will be the singular distinguishing characteristic of governments and corporations that thrive. This is in part because Ethics embodies tangible appreciation for the intangible value of being right with one another and with Nature; Ethics is also a foundation for demanding that true cost economics and holistic analytics be integral to every decision-making process.
See Also:
True Cost Economics @ Phi Beta Iota