I wrote a little programmers guide. It can be found on our web page:
I use that guide as basis for my classes. That handbook isn't finished of course. We have two running application projects right now:
1) SharkNet – building a social network based on Shark. There is just a single student working it right know. We have already build a decentralized social network
for an international group of research institutes. But that code is not open source. Now we want to create a free and open version. That page is more or less empty:
2) PHNX – PHNX is a NGO that offers medical aid after natural disasters. The idea is to build a wiki-like system without any IT infrastructure. The whole communication is based on data transfer between mobile phones (currently just Android). We have 6 people working on it.
We have some infrastructure projects inspired by both projects:
a) PKI – Data can be encrypted. We don't have our own public key infrastructure yet. We work on it. I will be like PGP but solely based on Shark communication.
b) Synchronisation – It is a sub project of PHNX: We need a tool that automatically synchronizes knowledge bases whenever to devices meet. Synchronization
must be based on some simple rules – is that device part of my sync group etc. pp. But the algorithms are not that complicated.
c) Wifi-direct – It's also a sub project of PHNX: Automatic establishment of communication based in a ad hoc (!) W-LAN network. (Not a W-LAN hotspot that transmits data to Internet)
We are going to publish SharkFW 3 as soon as we have finished those technical sub projects. I hope we have that SharkFW 3 stable in March. Apps can already be implemented with version 2 of course.
We could use a lot help in building applications. We are not that good in implementing nice graphical user interfaces :/