Wes Thomas: 12 Ways to Kill Monsanto

01 Agriculture, 03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, Commerce, Corruption, Government

Consumer Self-Defense: 12 Ways to Drive GMOs and Roundup off the Market

Given the current barrage of pro-GMO propaganda in the mass media, “GMO-Free” proponents need to put far greater emphasis on the fact that it isn’t just the imprecise and unpredictable nature of gene-splicing itself—a process that produces toxin and allergens, and shuts down essential gene functions—that threatens human health and the environment. The billions of pounds of systemic toxic pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides), especially Roundup, that are used on GMO and so-called conventional crops, are equally, if not more, hazardous to human health and the environment.These systemic agro-toxins, for the most part, cannot be washed off before eating.

A 12-point agenda for driving GMOs off the market

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