With over 1,000 pages already rostered under the Category open, we see a need to agree upon and implement a sub-categorization scheme that will help group related personalities, projects, technologies, and goals. Below is a list of proposed sub-categories offered for discussion (will post this bit to social media):
- Open Cloud & Spectrum
- Open Collaboration & Governance inclusive of Budgets, Games, & Legislation Law, Regulation, Convention inclusive, also forms of transaction including barter, money, credit, time
- Open Data Inclusive of Geospatial Data
- Open Education, Intelligence, & Research (access, sources, methods, tools)
- Open Energy, Water, Food, & Shelter
- Open Hardware inclusive of manufacturing and materials
- Open Health inclusive of natural cures, healthy environments, Medicine, & Pharmaceuticals
- Open Software inclusive of communications, computing, digital transactions, operating systems
- Open Space inclusive of design, cities, neighborhoods, civilizations, societies, culture, religion
Use Talk page or send email to robert.david.steele.vivas AT gmail DOT com, this is how I will be spending the next week.