- Eligible voters — 70% blocked from ballot access
- Electoral reform act — 12 elements
- Transpartisan cabinet — team of rivals with integrity
- Two-party tyranny pigs
- One bird, two wings, same crap
Half the eligible voters do not vote because the two-party tyranny that represents 30% of the eligible voters blocks everyone else from ballot access.

The only way to restore democracy is to implement an Electoral Reform Act that brings together twelve distinct fixes, no one of which of restores integrity to our process, but all of which — if implemented together — eliminate all forms of corruption in politics.

All parties — including the Green and Libertarian parties — are toxic. Parties insist on a single party ticket, a winner-take all approach to filling the Cabinet, adoption of the party platform that is often partially insane, and agreement to fulfill promises, however corrupt, to special donors. The next President needs to campaign on the basis of ending party corruption and offering the public a “team of rivals” that can restore integrity to how we make decisions and govern in the public interest.

In summary, this is what we have now:

Here's the art: