![David Swanson](http://phibetaiota.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/david-swanson-150x150.jpg)
What Could Unite a Larger Peace Movement? Oh, This!
In a time of division and disagreement, when people who all agree on something important sometimes spend more time bickering with each other than working on their collective cause, is it possible to craft an agenda that brings them together and adds to their numbers?
It turns out, somewhat to my surprise, the answer is yes.
Tip of the Hat to Geir Olsen of Norway.
Sign Individual Declaration of Peace
I understand that wars and militarism make us less safe rather than protect us, that they kill, injure and traumatize adults, children and infants, severely damage the natural environment, erode civil liberties, and drain our economies, siphoning resources from life-affirming activities. I commit to engage in and support nonviolent efforts to end all war and preparations for war and to create a sustainable and just peace.
Sign Organizational Declaration of Peace*
We understand that wars and militarism make us less safe rather than protect us, that they kill, injure and traumatize adults, children and infants, severely damage the natural environment, erode civil liberties, and drain our economies, siphoning resources from life-affirming activities. We commit to engage in and support nonviolent efforts to end all war and preparations for war and to create a sustainable and just peace.
* Earth Intelligence Network has signed.
Phi Beta Iota: Martin Luther King was assassinated for his condemnation of the US military-industrial complex. Recently Col Lawrence Wilkerson has joined David Swanson, Dennis Kucinich, and many others in condemning this same US military-industrial complex. The neo-conservatives and their fascist allies on Wall Street have staged a foreign policy coup, says General Wesley Clark. Now a counter-coup is underway against Hillary Clinton, the best servant girl Wall Street ever had, says former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Steve Pieczenik. The public appears to be awakening to the fact that the US electoral system is RIGGED twelve different ways. It is just possible that the next four years will see the 99% coalesce against the 1%, hopefully in a non-violent manner that offers the Rothschilds and their inner circle a “soft landing” through a Truth & Reconciliation movement.
See Especially:
See Also:
Amazon Non-Fiction Reviews by Robert Steele
Ben Norton @ Salon: Col Lawrence Wilkerson, USA (Ret) Condemns US Military-Industrial Complex
Cynthia McKinney: Wes Clark on US Foreign Policy Coup
Review: An Act of State–The Execution of Martin Luther King, New and Updated Edition
Review: Death of a King – The Real Story of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Final Year
RIGGED: Twelve Ways the Two-Party Tyranny Rigs the US Electoral System to Block Out Independents, Small Parties, and 70% of the Eligible Voters [99 Cents Kindle Short]
SchwartzReport: Colonel Wilkerson – Oligarchy Controls U.S. War-Making