Kevin Barrett: If Trump does these ten things he’ll be the greatest president ever

Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government
Kevin Barrett
Kevin Barrett

If Trump does these ten things he’ll be the greatest president ever

  1. Expose the truth about 9/11, which is that it was a neocon coup designed to unleash Islamophobia to benefit Israel.
  2. Reinstate the Constitution by repealing all post-9/11 police state legislation and pushing through draconian restrictions on all forms of spying, search and seizure, etc.
  3. Push through Steele’s Election Reform Act, ending the corrupt two-party duopoly.
  4. Close down US military bases worldwide and return to a defend-the-borders posture.
  5. Use the savings to rebuild America’s infrastructure.
  6. Force big corporations to bring manufacturing jobs back to the US. (If he leaves office in 2024 with the percentage of made-in-USA stuff equivalent to what it was in, say, 1970, he will have succeeded.)
  7. End the Fed and print honest, Constitutional currency.
  8. Pass and enforce real anti-trust legislation so there can be no more monopolies or collusive trade practices, period.
  9. Push through the Constitutional amendment that would be needed to end private funding of political campaigns by the rich and special interests.
  10. Bust up big media into thousands of much smaller pieces, and use antitrust laws to keep them small.

The above list is pretty much what it would take to “Make America great again.”

Read full post.

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