Berlin’s Christmas Market Incident a Likely False Flag
Thwarted Peace? Assassination of Russian Ambassador “A False Flag Operation By the West”
UPDATE 1: A number of anomalies are being pointed out. Tip of the Hat to Berto Jongman.
YouTube (3.52) Berlin Truck Attack Anomalies (Dummies, Drill, Silence)
YouTube (5:34) Fake News Journalist/Crisis Actor in Berlin
YouTube (17:59) Top 7 Signs of a False Flag! [Pre-Berlin]
- Immediate call for more controls
- Perpetrators known beforehand to police / visas issued by CIA
- Simultaneous government drills
- Eyewitness accounts conflict with government narratives
- Emotionless, contrived, or strange behavior
- Millions of dollars in government payouts and donations (spending bonanza)
- Event advanced government agenda or multiple agendas
Phi Beta Iota: The perpetrators of false flag events appears to be correct in assuming the idiocy of the press and the public. Of course terrorists will leave useful identity documents behind — from Paris to Berlin. This is both a Gladio B attack on Merkle and an early means of pressuring Trump. Trump cannot trust the US intelligence community — itself an active perpetrator of false flag events — to tell him the truth about all this stuff. Trump is now caught between the far right and the neo-conservatives and fascists, and the far left globalists and libertines. Both seek to destroy the society we cherish.
One possibility that will not be considered is this: the judge released the Tunisian because Gladio B or a Nazi group wanted him on the street to be framed as a patsy. They took one of his documents and planted it. When this individual is “found” a member of the Gladio B or Nazi team will be in the forefront and the individual will be killed before he can challenge the narrative.
We expect multiple false flag events in the USA early in the Trump Administration — our counterintelligence is not being allowed to cover George Soros, the neo-Nazis, and others — to include NSA priority one support to domestic counterintelligence against our own elite who seek to start a war with Russia. Fix intelligence (and unshackling counterintelligence) should be but probably will not be one of Trump's top priorities.
See Especially:
Fixing Intelligence II: Seven Precepts (A Latino View)
Robert Steele: Was Paris 11/13 a False Flag Event? A Matrix for Evaluating Possibilities
See Also: