McMaster and Cohn are full of shit — are they the Deep State controllers of our legitimately-elected President? Time to clean house.
AMERICA FIRST, NOT ALONE: Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster is leading the charge in defending the president’s performance on the world stage, in particular his last stop in Europe where Trump ruffled some feathers and bruised a few egos of some of America’s closest allies, notably Germany. The national security adviser, in a joint op-ed in the Wall Street Journal with Gary Cohn, director of the National Economic Council, writes: “America will not lead from behind. This administration will restore confidence in American leadership as we serve the American people. America First does not mean America alone.”
Phi Beta Iota: General Herbert McMaster is a known traitor (see below) who is lying to the President on a daily basis, a former NeverTrumper, and a slave to generally senile Senator John McMain, himself being blackmailed by the CIA. Cohn is a personally appointed representative of the Rothschilds in the White House, and not to be trusted in any way. The GOOD NEWS is that the President appears to have three levels of dialog going on: one with Xi and Putin that none of the traitors and mediocrities around the President understand; a second in confrontation with the Belgians and Germans and others who have betrayed their own publics, provided nuclear technology to North Korea, and destabilized Africa while welcoming the millions of illegal immigrants to further destroy Christian Europe; and the third, the one that McMaster and Cohn articulate, a superficial “business as usual” stance that the President may be using to keep the neo-conservatives in check while he plans the massive counter-attack against those planning to destroy him this summer. We continue to believe that the President must engage 100% of the eligible voters and execute the eight points in the Memorandum for the President 3.0 as refined by Cynthia McKinney, co-founder of We the People – Unity for Integrity.
See Especially:
Cynthia McKinney: Memorandum for the President 3.0
#UNRIG: Beyond Trump & Sanders
See Also: